Thursday, February 17, 2005

Dream Machine

DreamMachine 004
Originally uploaded by Oranguthingy.

Well, it's done. I have made a "dream machine" (or dreamachine if you prefer). Invented by Brion Gysin (a Canuck, no less! Represent!) and enjoyed by the likes of William S. Burroughs and other hippies, it pulses light at a rythm that induces a dream-like state, or "hallucinations" depending on how you want to phrase it. Sturgeon Generals' Warning: IF YOU ARE EPILEPTIC, DO NOT USE.

I believe it was Burroughs who speculated that it could replace the TV in the livings rooms of people everywhere... ah well. It was a pretty thought.

It took longer than you might imagine to build, but it was fun. Apparently, I derive a lot of pleasure out of making something concrete and functional. Well, almost functional: it's supposed to be on a turntable that spins at 78rpm, but the one I have only does 33 and 45 (didn't notice that bit of trivia till after I was done). So, I have no trip reports for you as of yet. It's a relatively simple thing to convert the plans to a 45 rpm model, but at this point I'm more likely to just buy a new (second-hand) turntable. Check the link below for more info and the plans themselves at the bottom of the page. (Note that it is my professional opinion that the total width should be 90.5cm, not 85.5cm as is indicated on the diagram. I've emailed the author regarding this, to make sure). Hit up Google for a ton more links.


(There are more pictures on my Flickr page if you're interested. Just click on the picture...)

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Baby Name Wizard: 1900 - 2003

OK, stuff like this is why I love the net. People gathering huge amounts of tedious data and presenting it in a format that hints at the underlying beauty of things, even things as mundane as the popularity of names. Or maybe I'm weird. Anyway. Go look, it's neat.


via memepool, the best-named site on the intertron.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Alien Monsters from the Deep!

Originally uploaded by Oranguthingy.
Check out this great forum post: hordes of terrifying monsters from the deep in one place. This "chimaera pup" is one of my faves, so I put it in my Flickr basket. Who needs outer space when these things are writhing all over the globe?
